Here are some friends who we have got to know from us all being members of the "Its Not Easy Being Green" forum. We hosted a tea party for them at Compost Mansions on a very wet Sunday in July.

We had a wonderful time, everybody brought LOADS of food and drink so we spent 5 hours and just ate, talked, ate, talked, drank tea, talked, wandered round the garden and wood, talked, ate more food, talked...I guess you have got the idea by now??

Wandering around the wood and garden, having a break from cake and tea imbibing...

Mam Miniog cuddles Ginger the hen ( I had to frisk her before she left...she wanted to take Ginger back home with her! )
This set me musing..Its strange (in a nice way!) how you can make friends with folk who you have never actually met in the flesh...a modern day version of a pen pal I suppose. Especially if you "meet" them on a forum where you share so many common interests!