Yesterday have planted out all the broad bean plants, early carrots seeds, shallots, I also barrowed a load of compost to finish of the last 2 x 3 m raised bed, and got it ready to plant the next lot of second earlies potatos. I have also covered the carrot/shallot bed with a home made fleece cloche ( to keep off carrot fly and bloody beaks of nosy hens...)
also covered all broad beans with cloche tunnels ( to keep off the bloody...etc .. hens....)
Helped CM to fell a very beautiful Bird Cherry yesterday
Today we felled another wild cherry and a big silver birch, and CM shredded a lot of twiggery while CG and I were out, so the hens will have lots of wood shred to play in, inside their new and wonderous pen, later on..
Also I moved the new picnic benches into the woodland camp site, so next I need to sort out the tarp. shelter/bodgers hovel I am errecting there...
Today we went to the launch of a new playpark in Ledbury, very busy and good fun. Lots of different services present ( youth, police, surestart, childrens centre etc ) also climbing wall, fit4life, and lots of fun things..CG had a great time as we met up with her best friends ( and my best friend (their Mum) as well)
Spent a very enjoyable 4 hours together, walked around the activity trail I have written for a client AND I did a lot of promoting my business to various people and handed out lots of info and networked like crazy..
I was stupidly busy this morning before we left for Ledbury, college work and work work and house accounts etc well as more veg plot stuff and poly tunnel stuff..and I helped CG with some Brownie badges she is in the mddle of doing
Now (6 pm) I am having a sit down and a cuppa before I go and plant more spuds...then later I guess more assignment beckons....
Later on tonight
Have tonight potted on yet more tomato plants, put them in the cloche inside the PT and also planted yet more assorted seeds ( to replace some which grew but got massacred by hens....).And done 1000 words of my curent assignment...and discovered that the network at college has been down since before Easter, which was why I couldn't get on to the VLE....might try for an extension because of that as couldn't access some stuff I needed..and it affected EVERYBODY, so think it might be worth an ask......