The Worcestershire Resource Exchange ( aka Scrapstore) is very well run, clean, tidy, well thought out and with loads of really good items for the bargin price of a trolley load for £10 ish, if you are a member. membership is worth while if you go more than once or twice a year!
I got lots of lovely card making supplies, also a raffia weaving kit that is excellent and will be great for craft workshops, lots of art supplies, some cross stitch kits and oven baked clay making kits, some big wool carpet samples which are ideal as rugs in 3 places we need to buy rugs for, and Compostman got lots of wire and a 6 ' length of slotted angle.
All this wonderousness for £22. The raffia kit alone was £5, reduced from £40 online.
I estimate that, if I had bought all of it from a craft supplier, it would have cost me in excess of £150.
If you have a Scrapstore nearby, I recomend using it!
On a sadder note, Treacle the hen is injured again and sitting down when she tries to walk....
I hadn't heard of these but will be investigating as my mum is a hobbyist textile artist, so it's something she'll definitely be interested in. Thanks for the tip!