September here at Compost Mansions means picking produce, blanching, freezing, dehydrating and preserving by various means.
The kitchen is full of steam from blanching and the bench is full of beans, pears, plums, tomatoes and peppers from the garden
I need these fermentation vessels to make this years cider
So finally I got round to bottling the cider we made last year.
45 l of the stuff!
The tomatoes from the polytunnel are nearly finished but the pepper plants are still producing loads of peppers - these were washed, cut up and roasted before being frozen.
And we have so many beans this year! Runner and French beans - I have never had such a crop in our entire 16 years here.
Compostman is using the fine weather to paint the exterior woodwork all round the house - a huge job which takes up his time.
We've done really well on beans this year, problem is I'm the only one who eats them!