Well another Christmas week done.
I do hope 2018 is a better one for all of us here at Compost Mansions.
Certainly the last week of 2017 has lived up to our expectations of yet more bad stuff happening.
On Boxing Day Tom Cat had to have an emergency trip to the Vet because he had a urinary problem last night and has a history of serious bladder blockages so we are super cautious if he has pain and difficulty weeing. We had to leave him at the vets for a scan and treatment.
We came home, concerned about The Ledbury Hunt being in our area (they meet in town on Boxing Day so usually hunt around our area after ) so when we heard a shout and a bark, I rushed outside.
A neighbour walking her (unleashed) dog past our house, on the lane, the dog had entered our drive and killed Biggles the Serama cockerel, and Mille his hen was nowhere to be found. This was, as you can imagine, very distressing.
I then went to collect Tom Cat, he's got a uti and was very poorly,
I spent late Boxing Day afternoon looking for Millie, while shutting away other chickens and all three cats as the Hunt were very close to us.
Mille the Serama Hen re appeared in the lean to after dark, was v shocked and distressed.
HerHer to 2018!
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