I managed to make some Christmas decorations
and also some salt dough figures.
We also had the snowy, icy weather to contend with, with mixed consequences.
On the one hand it made the garden and wood look enormously pretty, the wood especially was like something out of Narnia. And at least the ground lost its swamp like consistency....on the other the hens disliked the cold snowy weather enormously and spent most of the time hiding in the lean to, waiting to mug me for any food on offer.
No 1 Cream Legbar chicklet (must think of a name for her!) contented herself with fluttering up onto my shoulder at every chance...warming her feet I think!
The decorations and tree were (I think) the best we have ever done and I even managed to tidy up properly beforehand! ( but the Study is a mess...full of stuff I "tidied" into it......!!)
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