Hello and welcome to The Compost Bin. I'm Compostwoman and I live with my family in rural Herefordshire. We have nearly four acres of garden and woodland, all managed organically and to Permaculture principles, which we share with Chickens, Cats and assorted wildlife. We also grow a lot of our own food, run courses in all sorts of things and make a lot of compost!

I am a Master Composter and have spent more than a decade as a volunteer Community Compost adviser with Garden Organic and my local Council.
I'm a self employed Environmental Educator so I run workshops and events where I talk about compost, veg growing, chicken keeping, cooking, preserving and sustainable living. I also run crafts workshops and Forest School/outdoor play sessions in our wood.

We try to live a more self sufficient lifestyle here, as best we can, while still having a comfortable life and lots of fun.

To learn more about us click on the About Compostwoman tab and remember to click on the photos to make them full size!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


B. Eng. (Hons), MICHT, AIfL
Enhanced CRB FAW/Paediatric /Outdoor Working/Epi-pen First Aid Certificates

Sarah works as a self employed Environmental Educator and Forest School Practitioner. She has worked as a Play Ranger for her local Wildlife Trust and she occasionally teaches environmental education on a supply basis at a local Environment Centre. Sarah is a trained RSPB Wildlife Explorers group leader and has lead highly successful after school  eco/gardening clubs for several local schools. In addition Sarah offers workshops in making craft items from natural or recycled materials and provides training for adults in various Forest School type activities.

Sarah has extensive woodcraft skills and experience gained from owning and managing a small private woodland, which contains a Forest School site and is a source of sustainable wood products. She has a long-standing love of the natural world and possesses an excellent working knowledge of native flora and fauna. Sarah is a First Aider with extra outdoor working, epi-pen and paediatric first aid qualifications. She also has Food Hygiene and Fire Marshal training.

Sarah is a Master Composter, Master Gardener and Food Champion; a volunteer community advisor working on behalf of Herefordshire County Council and Garden Organic to promote organic gardening, home composting and food waste reduction to the general public. She also has experience of managing a small flock of free range, organically cared for chickens; is knowledgeable in various other smallholding skills and is a skilled jam, chutney, wine and cider maker. Sarah offers training in gardening, composting and chicken keeping skills.

Before taking a career break to have a child, Sarah worked as a self employed holistic therapist and organic produce grower but has also in the past run her own business as an environmental advisor, researcher and advocate. She had a previous lengthy career as a research scientist and project manager in a Government establishment and is a highly qualified, experienced and articulate graduate engineer.

Sarah was a finalist in the 2007 and 2009 CIWM Annual Awards in the “Individual Recycling Champion” category as well as a finalist in the Garden Organic “Master Composter of the Year” 2008 and 2009 awards. Sarah won the Garden Organic "Master Composter Innovation and Social Media" 2012  award

Education/Training Qualifications:

Education: (date/qualification)

June 2010  CTLLS Certificate. Uni of Warwick
April 2010  PTLLS Certificate. Uni of Warwick
April 2009 Forest School Practitioner/Leader OCN Level 3.

July 2000  IIHHT Diplomas, Aromatherapy, Indian Head and Body Massage.
July 1989  B.Eng. (Hons) Materials Science and Technology, Birmingham
July 1986  HNC Electronic Engineering, Worcester Technical College.
July 1984  ONC Electronic Engineering, Worcester Technical College.
July 1978 8 GCE “O” levels, Worcester Girls Grammar School.

Training: (date/qualification)

June 2011  FAW course(Renewal)
June 2011  First aid in the outdoors/Epi pen use. (Renewal)
Mar 2011 Master Gardener. Garden Organic accredited course.
Nov 2010  LGBT training, HCC course
Oct 2010   Diversity training, HCC course.
June 2010  Paediatric First Aid Certificate/Epi pen use (Renewal)
May 2010  Health and Safety Level 2 Certificate, CIEH, Anubis Training.
April 2010 Safeguarding , HCC training course.
Feb 2010   Risk Assessment, Anubis Training
Feb 2010   Fire Marshall, Anubis Training
Oct 2009   Disability Equality training, HCC course.
Sept 2009  "Playing on the Range" Playworker Level 2 Certificate, Uni of Gloucs.
Oct 2009   Fundamentals of Food Hygiene Level 2 Certificate, RSPH  PCT Training, Rotherwas.
June 2009  Food Champion training with WRAP.
April 2009 Food For Life Partnership training with Garden Organic.
Sept 2008  FAW course/Epi pen use, Anubis Training.
July 2008   First aid in the outdoors/Epi pen use. Anubis Training
Nov 2007  Introduction to Forest School OCN Level 1 Certificate, Cambium Training. 
April 2007 Paediatric First Aid/Epi pen use. Anubis Training.
April 2007 RSPB Wildlife Explorers Club Leader, RSPB HQ.
Jan - June 2007 Playwork NVQ Level 3 training Herefordshire PCT.
April 2006 Master Composter. Garden Organic/CIWM accredited course/cert.

Key Skills:
Sarah demonstrates excellent academic, practical, communication, presentation and negotiating skills gained from the wide variety of work she has undertaken. She is

 Highly skilled in providing both practical and theoretical environmental/sustainability/gardening/smallholding information tailored to the age range of the target audience/workshop/class/group, in an engaging, amusing, playful and informative way.
 Demonstrates very high practical, academic and professional abilities and knowledge in a very wide range of fields.
 Is a  good communicator with very effective presentation and report writing abilities. Has had much one-to-one contact with the general public in a variety of environments.
 Is an experienced speaker, well used to organising and chairing large and small public meetings, holding workshops and training courses, presenting evidence at Public Inquiries, dealing with the media, giving live and recorded TV and Radio interviews and writing press releases.

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