RIP Sweetiepie the Hen. Over 10 years old, an ex battery hen who came to us aged about 2 1/2 years old
and who has been the top hen ever since. She has survived 8 fox attacks ( several seriously injuring her) and led hens to safety many times. She also lead them into committing much mischief! Here she lead a daring raid into the house :)
She reared the Sweetie 6 ( Dorkings) as well as other broods of chicks and was always an excellent mum

and through out her long life she was a firm but fair top hen. This is Sweetie a few weeks ago.
For the last 5 years she was always accompanied by her good friend Henny; the two of them went round together at all times and slept in one nestbox for company. Henny is the large black rock hen standing behind Sweetiepie
Sweetie died this evening while I was at a meeting; I checked her before I left and it was obvious she was fading fast but was sat next to Henny. Henny was preening her feathers and crooning to her. I thought about ending her life then but as she did not seem in obvious pain I decided to check again when I got home. On my return I found them together; Sweetie having just died and Henny sheltering her still warm body under her large black glossy wing (as hens do to their chicks) .
RIP Sweetie. Much missed already xxx
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