Hello and welcome to The Compost Bin. I'm Compostwoman and I live with my family in rural Herefordshire. We have nearly four acres of garden and woodland, all managed organically and to Permaculture principles, which we share with Chickens, Cats and assorted wildlife. We also grow a lot of our own food, run courses in all sorts of things and make a lot of compost!

I am a Master Composter and have spent more than a decade as a volunteer Community Compost adviser with Garden Organic and my local Council.
I'm a self employed Environmental Educator so I run workshops and events where I talk about compost, veg growing, chicken keeping, cooking, preserving and sustainable living. I also run crafts workshops and Forest School/outdoor play sessions in our wood.

We try to live a more self sufficient lifestyle here, as best we can, while still having a comfortable life and lots of fun.

To learn more about us click on the About Compostwoman tab and remember to click on the photos to make them full size!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Why I am suddenly even more worried about Climate Change

Read this article, digest, be VERY concerned....,

and then wonder why the "Plane Stupid" protesters are being so pilloried in the Press for trying to highlight the damaging effects of aviation??

I personally would heap them with plaudits and flowers and laurel wreathes as speakers of truth, prepared to take non violent direct action for their views..

where would we be now without Suffragettes doing the same a hundred years ago?

( for the record, my Great Aunt and my Aunt were Suffragettes!)

And how much more of this type of factual scientific reporting will it take to make us all stop over consuming and start to reduce our personal Carbon Dioxide emissions?


  1. Wow!! What can I say to that? I don't really know! I'm still digesting this information. Too scary for words and way to scary to think about.....and yet we must.

    Thank you.

    Sue xx

  2. Fancy storming Parliament tomorrow? ;-)

    I sometimes wonder if we're doomed after all.

    Aaaargh. What should we do?

  3. Hi there both..

    it is indeed scary stuff ...I knew it, yes, but to see it in The Gardian like that was quite a shock...

    I think all we can do is keep on doing our bit to reduce our personal consumption and our carbon footprint, learn useful skills and try to educate others by example and by campaigning.

    I wish I had the nerve to do NVDA stuff..but I don't....any more...

  4. (Posted by Aromatic but eaten by Blogger when I was modrating, so I have re posted it...Cw)

    My god thats horrendous... it fills me with horror... we do all have to pull together and do what we can before we lose this wonderful planet... things HAVE to change!
    Love Jane xxx


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