Hi Compostwoman
Today is the last day of Recycle Week. Did you manage to carry out your pledge to have a waste-free day?
View your pledge here ( I pledge to have a waste free day)
If so, that’s great - thank you! Why not try to make it a regular thing - once a fortnight, or even once a week? Your efforts really do help to make a difference.
If not, well - it's never to late to start! But beware, your friend Compostman has been given a nudge, so watch out, it could be forfeit time!
Remember, you said that if you didn't live up to your pledge, you'd sit in one of your many compost bins!
Best wishes
and the Recycle Week team
Well...do I have to sit in a compost bin, or did I manage to end up with only compostable, recyclable or re-usable waste after a day? Did I put anything in the landfill bin, or did I manage to escape the steaming clutches of my compostbins?
What do YOU think ?
I will post more, anon...........
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