This bed contains lots of roses which needed pruning, a Buddlia Davidii, a Vibernum Plicatum "Sterile" which has huge blooms like tennis balls, various other shrubs which have got a bit out of hand, a Victoria Plum tree which is very prolific, and a lot of assorted perennial plants and bulbs...
I removed all the dead plant stems and leaves, to let the sun and the light get to the soil and allow the new plants to reach up from under the soil...
...........and compostman pruned back the roses and I pruned back the shrubs, to let them regenerate.
I got a huge pile of prunings which compostman shredded...these then went back on the bed as a weed suppressing mulch. I also raked off and gathered up 4 wheelbarrow loads of dead plant stuff that can go on the compostbins!!
Having a well earned cuppa!!
Compostman waves hello to Blogland!!
The pruning finished, the bed just needs the twigs collecting up...the hens ( as ever) helping...
And here is one of the shrub beds I cleared and pruned earlier on February.
This is all quite a lot of hard work and it takes me days to finish a bed like this...but I always feel very satisfied when I can look at the finished bed and see how much improved it looks.
All tidy and ready for the new plants to grow!
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