Fudge the Guinea Pig is crawling with lice ( yuck...poor thing!) which he wasn't before I opened a new supply of Hay for him when I cleaned hin out 2 days ago.........
AND the lice are all over the porch, on the floor, windows, blanket which covers his run...etc
AND Babs the new Rhode Rock is poorly and I am off to the vets with her in about 5 mins..( she is new, was bought for lots of money last week and is very sweet and I am worried about her...)
BUT I can't take her to the Vets until after I disinfect the cat carrier because that's where I stuck Fudge the GP, after his bath to get rid of the lice, whilst I disinfected his cage, the porch etc..
Have done NONE of the stuff I wanted today...zip, zilch, nada........ I PLANNED to make some chutney and dehydrate, blanch and freeze some veg ,
But I DID get to help Compostgirl make a puppet out of scrap materials...:-)
later on tonight....

And I am lighter by £11, and have further supplies JIC the other hens start sneezing, also.
I am NOT happy as MY hens didn't have this.....and I have only just bought in the 2 new ones.....
Ah well...is today ( in the doing stuff by the moon calender) a run compostwoman ragged with cleaning out/de lousing/spraying hens bums purple/going to the vets/cleaning up lice etc etc Day ..or what?

I need Alkyhole and LOTS of it so will retire to the sofa with red wine I think!
Hi CW, Love the pics! I've left an award for you over on my blog. Thanks hun. X